Golden Valley Walking Club

Club Page

The Golden Valley Walking Club has been successful in obtaining a second Lottery grant in April 2024. This funding is for 3 years and can be used for insurances, equipment, training, administration and social events.
We have been able to fund members to participate in First Aid, and navigation courses.
The Beryl and John Trust has funded the purchase of a portable defibrillator.

These grants have enabled the club to continue with no membership fee or walk charges for members.

The Club is run by volunteers and overseen by a committee. At the AGM in April 2024 the committee was elected to stand for two years:

Chairperson: Hugh Vernon BEM
Secretary and Treasurer: Becky Richards –
Membership  Alistair Pond –
Chris Lloyd –
Jo Parham –
Petra Beard –
Web Site: Peter Rance –

Members of the GVWC are able to attend the committee meetings and see the certified minutes of past meetings  

If you wish to attend please contact us so we can confirm location and times.